10 photographers you should follow on Instagram

I often find myself scrolling through Instagram feeling really inspired by some of the photographers in my feed – not just inspired to take better images but just generally inspired to be creative. That’s why it’s so important to me to have other artists in my Instagram feed – for inspiration, motivation and because who doesn’t love surrounding themselves with beauty? Here are ten photographers you should follow on Instagram right now.

1. @ryanmuirhead

Ryan is a film photographer, and his portraiture is absolutely exquisite. His pictures are beautifully composed, and his use of light and shadow takes my breath away. It’s no secret that Ryan Muirhead is one of my favourite photographers and after looking at his Instagram feed, I’m sure you’ll see why.

2. @suebryce

Sue is a portrait photographer who is originally from New Zealand but is now based in LA. She shoots the most stunning portraits of women and is my go-to guru when it comes to posing. Her instragram feed is a mix of her gorgeous portraits, behind the scenes shots and photos of Cookie – her super cute sidekick.

3. @jennbischof

Jenn Bisschof is a Florida dwelling photographer whose ethereal underwater images are absolutely breathtaking. Both Doug and I agree that we have never seen anyone create pictures quite like this.

4. @brookeshaden

Fantasy comes to life in Brooke Shaden’s pictures, her images are nothing short of extraordinary. Every picture is poetic and tells a tale that will take you on a journey.

5. @inkandpixels

Mike Hill photographs people, places and moments in a way that makes you stop and take notice, his pictures are soft spoken but powerful. Full marks to this Kiwi photographer for creative use of hashtags as well.

6. @tarasutherland

A “Pet Photographer and Paw-Trait Maker” from the Waikato, Tara Sutherland’s instagram is a behind the scenes look at her life. Frequent appearances are made by especially cute animals, which makes this a winner in my book.

7. @othellonine

Scott Rankin isn’t your traditional photographer, in that he started out his photographic journey as a 100% mobile photographer and has transitioned to a DSLR. His Instagram will take you on a stunning outdoor adventure, and his composition is absolutely on point.

8. @elizabethwest


Elizabeth is from the Pacific Northwest and her portraits and nature/landscape photography have really inspired my own image making journey. Her Instagram feed is full of animals, adventures and humans that never fail to ignite my creative spark.

9. @petercoulson

Peter Coulson’s portraits are visually arresting. Whether they are making eye contact with the camera or not, the subjects of his pictures capture your gaze and draw you in. Peter’s Instagram feed is a carefully curated, mostly monochromatic, and every bit inspiring.

10. @jermzlee

Jeremy Veach is a wedding, portrait and commercial photographer from the US. His Instragram feed is an ode to the adventures he takes with his pug, Norm. I’m always a sucker for cute dogs, so this takes the cake for me and really inspires me to think of creative ways to take my own photographs.

11. @ambientlightblog

It would be remiss of me not to mention our own Instagram account in here somewhere! With concert photography, portraits and behind the scenes shots of what we get up to on photo shoots, we’re looking forward to sharing some exciting adventures with you all.

Who is your favourite photographer to follow on Instagram? Let us know their handle (or yours) below so we can fill up our Insta feed with all of the pretties.

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